Justin Bieber REALLY likes robots

Bieber knows he is the king of entertainment so he isn’t afraid of any Robot Overlord uprising happening. That’s why he endorses dancing robots.

Bieber was there to introduce this mysterious robot. I really wanted to go — not so much for Bieber, but to see the robot. Alas, I had another appointment and decided I’d cover the robot later. Then I ran into another journalist who also likes robots, and happens to have a special affinity for Bieber.

And so our adventure began. Forty-five minutes before the scheduled start of the event, hundreds of people, journalists, tradeshow attendees and even the teen daughters of attendees and exhibitors were packed like sardines around the smallish Tosy booth. Tosy had clearly achieved its objective. We joked that this had better be “the best robot ever.”

Those assembled crowded together and passed the time making idle robot and Bieber jokes (“BieberBot!”) While standing there, I got a look at Tosy’s press release. The robot, mRobo Ultra Bass, is really more of an unusual speaker system that can “grow” appendages and dance to whatever music you upload onto it. Now, at least I sort of understood the Bieber connection.

Bieber arrived at 1 p.m., but spent more than 45 minutes signing autographs. I thought about leaving and then a PR rep plucked a few of us from the crowd and walked us over to the incredibly young-looking crooner. In the face of all that star power, I suddenly forgot my purpose. There was no robot to be seen, but I didn’t really care.

As I got closer I tried to pull myself together. “Ask him about something tech!” I told myself. Finally I decided to ask him about Mashable. He didn’t know about us (though he does now!). However, Bieber seemed fascinated by the tiny external microphone on my iPhone. I told him it was good, but could not remember the brand or name (curse you, celebrity blindness!).

Bieber said he wanted a microphone like that and I said I had an extra. He asked if he could have it now. I laughed but I don’t think he was joking (could this be a celebrity thing? “Ask and ye shall receive”?). Finally, I handed him my card and told him to email me and I would send it to him.

Comments (29)

  1. Haleygracebrown

    Hi I want you phone number Justin bieber and I will like you

    1. destinydarner


      1. destiny

        did you know that you are gay justin birber alot of people say that they like like you really much because your so hot justinbirber

      2. destiny

        did you know that you are gay justin birber alot of people say that they like like you really so much because your so hot justin bierber

    2. Jayla

      His number is 13233931252

  2. Janelyn

    I Like Justin Bieber

  3. Lizzy

    Hi lizzy justinbieber

  4. sajeel

    Fuck bieber

    1. Haven Miles

      Sweetie, please keep your comments to yourself because we don’t need haters. Justin Bieber is an amazing person to me and he is talented and gifted. I love his songs and personality and I loved and love Avalanna. You don’t need to reply or keep making hater comments but please don’t judge a book by the cover. I love you Justin and keep doing what you are doing. ❤️💯

    2. Jade

      I’m in love with Justin bieber

    3. Jade

      Whoever f***k Justin bieber is a dumb dodo 💩Head

  5. Gloria Fletcher

    This is really weird but why does he do that?

  6. Yesenia Santacruz

    Is this Justin Bieber?
    Omg i lovebu sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

  7. Jasmine

    Hi Justin bieber I’m Jasmine I think your cool

  8. Lindsay Rice

    I love you so much Justin❤️❤️ I’ve been here since the begging and I will always be😘😘

  9. Emma

    HI I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  10. cate


  11. kaylin

    why do u hate on justin like that sajeel? i don’t get it i know he made some mistakes.Dont u forgive people? i love u justin beiber and i just can’t afford to come to your concert 🙁 love u soooooooooo much!

  12. Bbygirllivia

    Is this Justin Bieber?💗If so Omfg I love you so much you r my favorite your music inspires me to follow my dreams thank you so much Jusin Bieber till the begining to end

  13. Jade

    I’m in love with Justin bieber

  14. Amjad rather

    I love you JUSTIN🤗🤗🤗

  15. Amjad rather

    You are amazing awesome and funny 😂😂😂

  16. ayana

    I love you Justin Bieber

  17. Daisha

    Justin your my fav celebritie I love you 💕😘😍

  18. ayshah

    heyyy its ayshah and can u call me

  19. Jennifer G


  20. Kayla

    I love youuuu

  21. jay

    I love you justin. Bieber can I have you phone number

  22. evelyn

    I love justin he is soooooooooooooo…. cute I wish I could meet him I am in indiaIndian


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